Capture every client detail ‍with precision
Never miss a beat with the GetEase app, where you can effortlessly access comprehensive information about each of your clients. Stay up-to-date with their appointment history, statistics, photos, and other essential details.
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Personalized profiles at your fingertips
When a client creates their GetEase profile, their registration details are automatically stored in their unique client card.
Every time a client books a treatment, relevant information from their profile is seamlessly transferred to your GetEase app, ensuring you have all the necessary details at hand.
Gain deeper insights into your clients' appointment history, payment records, and more as they continue to book appointments, enabling you to provide personalized and exceptional service.
Client Knowdlegde
Get to know your clients better
Discover the power of client cards, encompassing two sections: your collected information and vital stats. Uncover valuable insights such as appointment frequency, dates, generated income, and more, enabling you to tailor your services to perfection.
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Easily take notes
A virtual notebook for essential details
Client cards go beyond statistics. Utilize them as a virtual notebook, recording crucial details about each client for your eyes only. Enhance your personal touch and provide exceptional service based on individual preferences.
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Client communication
Effortless appointment booking and communication
Client cards hold your clients' contact information, including phone numbers and emails. In case of any unforeseen circumstances, you'll always have the means to reach out and ensure seamless communication.
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GetEase powers ambitious freelance service providers
of businesses powered by GetEase
26 hours
Saved per month on administration
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The getease marketplace
5 star reviews from hundreds of other ZZP'ers.
The web widget has been a game-changer for my website. It was easy to integrate and blends seamlessly with the site's design. The live chat support has improved customer satisfaction, and the detailed analytics help me track user interactions effectively. I highly recommend this web widget for enhancing website functionality and boosting customer engagement.
Anna B.
Masseur since 6 years
Integrating the web embed and widget into my website was an absolute breeze! Thanks to GetEase's user-friendly design and straightforward instructions, I had it up and running in no time. I'm not particularly tech-savvy, but with this embed, I didn't need to be – it was that simple!
Anna B.
Masseur since 6 years
Any questions?
Our team is happy to help! Any questions you may have, check our FAQs, pop us and email, or give us a call.