Effortlessly plan your work ‍with Ease
Discover the GetEase app, your ultimate online calendar solution. With just a few simple clicks, you can easily create your work schedule and allow your valued clients to book appointments hassle-free.
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How GetEase bookings revolutionize your workflow
Start by downloading the GetEase app, where you can effortlessly create your profile and customize your business hours to suit your needs.
Empower your clients with the freedom to choose their preferred time slot and conveniently book appointments through their own GetEase app.
Stay organized and in control as all confirmed appointments seamlessly populate your calendar. Meanwhile, your clients receive timely reminders to ensure they never miss a scheduled booking.
Easy Bookings
Streamlined bookings, fewer calls
With GetEase, booking appointments becomes effortless for your clients. A few simple taps on their app, and their appointments are confirmed, instantly syncing with your calendar for seamless organization.
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Agenda Management
Stay organized with an Online Work Calendar
Say goodbye to scheduling headaches. GetEase's online work calendar empowers you to achieve a harmonious work-life balance. Plan your time, track bookings, and respond to client requests effortlessly with a single glance at your phone.
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Better Service
Client cards for personalized service
Every booking brings a client card, a treasure trove of relevant client information. Enhance your services by understanding each client's unique needs, paving the way for improved experiences and increased client loyalty.
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GetEase powers ambitious freelance service providers
of businesses powered by GetEase
26 hours
Saved per month on administration
Average additional earnings per month
The getease marketplace
5 star reviews from hundreds of other ZZP'ers.
The web widget has been a game-changer for my website. It was easy to integrate and blends seamlessly with the site's design. The live chat support has improved customer satisfaction, and the detailed analytics help me track user interactions effectively. I highly recommend this web widget for enhancing website functionality and boosting customer engagement.
Anna B.
Masseur since 6 years
Integrating the web embed and widget into my website was an absolute breeze! Thanks to GetEase's user-friendly design and straightforward instructions, I had it up and running in no time. I'm not particularly tech-savvy, but with this embed, I didn't need to be – it was that simple!
Anna B.
Masseur since 6 years
Any questions?
Our team is happy to help! Any questions you may have, check our FAQs, pop us and email, or give us a call.